Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Prayer to St. Agatha FEBRUARY 5

St. Agatha, you were a stubborn and feisty saint. Born to noble parents, when an aggressive suitor sought your hand in marriage and blackmailed you with the threat to turn you over to the authorities, you refused because of a private vow to chastity. Like St. Agnes, this spurned lover had you thrown into a brothel. But still you would not give in. Next he had you imprisoned and tortured, ordering your breasts to be cut off. St. Peter came to your aid in a vision and healed your wounds. However, the tortures continued until an earthquake scared your captors off and you died of your sufferings. St. Agatha, though we are never sure what are the facts of a martyr’s life and what is legend, we do know that you died for Christ and that you are now reigning with Him in heaven. Though the thought of such tortures makes us cringe, we take courage from your example and have faith that God will be with us in all our sufferings, great and small. Please pray, St. Agatha, that we may persevere in our faith until death as you did, so that we too, may share in the joy of our risen Lord. Amen.