Failing to apprehend Father Gerard or any other priest at Mrs. Wiseman's house at Northend, the next proceeding of the persecutors was to try what could be found at the house taken in Golding-lane. Father Garnet, in a letter 1 to Father Persons at Rome, dated the 6th of September, 1594, and therefore long enough after the event to contain some account of Father Gerard's subsequent apprehension and imprisonment, thus describes this search. "The Friday night before Passion Sunday [March 15] was such a hurly-burly in London as never was seen in man's memory; no, not when Wyatt was at the gates. A general search in all London, the Justices and chief citizens going in person; all unknown persons taken and put in churches till the next day. No Catholics found but one poor tailor's house at Golding-lane end, which was esteemed such booty as never was got since this Queen's days. The tailor and divers others there taken lie yet in prison, and some of them have been tortured. That mischance touched us near; they were our friends and chiefest instruments. That very night had been there Long John with the little beard> once your pupil [in the margin is written John Gerard] if I had not more importunately stayed him than ever before. But soon after he was apprehended, being betrayed we know not how; he will be stout I doubt not. He hath been very close, but now is removed from the Counter to the Clink, where he may in time do much good. He was glad of Mr. Homulus 1 his company, but he had been taken from him and carried to Newgate, whence he hopeth to redeem him again"
Before listening to Father Gerard's account of the search at Golding-lane, we will make the persecutors give theirs. And first, the magistrates employed by the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal made the following report,* dated March 16, 159(3/4). "We have made search according to your Honour's direction. We find four persons greatly to be suspected, videlicet in a house lately builded in the upper end of Golding-lane. They were very loth to permit us to come into the said house: it seemed they sought all means to have escaped. When we came into the house, he which opened the door said his name was Wallis, and that by occupation he was a tailor. One other we found lay hidden under stairs behind a door. His name he said was likewise Wallis. We found two other in an upper chamber in one bed, the one having his clothes upon. They said they were brethren, and their names were Fulwood. They said they had been serving-men, but upon divers questions demanded, they seemed to vary. So likewise did the two Wallisses, for not any one of them could tell an even tale. One of the said Wallisses said he loved a mass, and that he had heard mass, as well in Queen Mary's time as in her Majesty's time. Being demanded whether he were a Seminary or Jesuit, answered, 'O Lord, no! I am not learned. I would to God I were worthy to carry their shoes,' and such like words, &c. He said to some of the officers he was glad that we had made a search in that house this night, for now should he suffer some persecution for his religion. It seemed they were all masterless men : but one of the Wallisses said he was servant to the master of that house, and that his master was in the country, but he said he knew not his master. There was very great store of new apparel, as hose, doublets, in great quantity, which Wallis said he had made, but knew not the owners of any one parcel of the same. We found some letters, which being well perused we think will discover much. We found beads of certain stone or amber, and pictures in paper. We committed these four to several prisons: and think we shall deliver the rest of our travail better by speech to your Honour.
" Your Honour's humble at command, " Ro. Watson. Edw. Vaughan."
Endorsed—" Mr. Vaughan and Mr. Watson. The two Fullwoods in the Counters. The Wallis in Newgate and Finsbury prison."
The capture of William Wiseman is not mentioned in the State Papers, but we learn the manner of it from Father Gerard. After his being taken, Justice Young sent on the 14th of April to Lord Keeper Puckering 4"the names of them that were found in Mr. Wiseman's house: John Fulwood, Richard Fulwood, Richard Wallis, William Wallis, William Suffield, Ralph Williamson, John Stratforde. These men are all recusants, and will not take an oath to the Queen's Majesty, nor to answer to anything. One Thomas was apprehended when his master was taken, and he fled away with his master's best gelding and a handful of gold that his master gave him. All these were servants to Mr. William Wiseman, who is a continual receiver of all Seminary priests, and went to Wisbech to visit the priests and Jesuits there, and since his imprisonment there was a Seminary priest in his house which escaped away from the Justices and pursuivants, and left his apparel behind him." This was, as we shall see, Father Gerard himself, and later on he was made to try on the clothes thus found, and "they were just a fit." All this was to prove Mr. Wiseman guilty of harbouring him, "which," Father Gerard says, "they were never able to do." Justice Young adds, "Mrs. Jane Wiseman, his mother, hath been also a great receiver and harbourer of Seminary priests, and went to Wisbech with her two daughters, where (as she saith) she was absolved and blessed by Father Edmonds the Jesuit, and since that time her daughters are sent beyond seas to be professed nuns, as other two her daughters were before, and she hath a son named Thomas who is a Jesuit in Rome or in Spain.
" Robert Wiseman, her other son, is also an obstinate recusant and will by no means take an oath. He is prisoner in the Clink. Mrs. Jenings, her kinswoman, sojourned in her house and is a perverse recusant.
" Henry Cranishe, William Clerke, Robert Foxe, three recusants did sojourn in her house and were apprehended. "Anne Wiseman, widow, Mary Wiseman, spinster, Elizabeth Cranishe, wife of Robert Cranishe, Elizabeth Crowe alias Lowe, all these perverse recusants and were abiding with Mrs. Wiseman and taken in her house.
" Mr. Wiseman and his mother had many more servants, both men and maids, all which were recusants, and none of them would come to church, to the great offence and scandal of all her Majesty's good subjects in that country." As this was written after the subsequent search at Brad-docks, which was on the 1st of April, Young has included all the prisoners taken on both occasions. At Golding-lane Father Gerard tells us, in accordance with the magistrates' report, "three Catholics and one schismatic" were taken, of whom the latter was the tailor, the ostensible owner of the house.
Father Gerard tells his story thus. " The hidden traitor [John Frank], wholly unknown to his master, was watching his chance of giving us up without betraying his own treachery. At first he settled to have me seized in a house [in Golding-lane], which had been lately hired in London to answer my own and my friend's purposes. From his master's employing him in many affairs, he could not help knowing the place which his master had hired for my use. Consequently he promised the magistrates to tell them when I was coming, so that they might surround the house during the night with their officers and cut off my escape. The plan would have succeeded, had not God brought it to pass otherwise through an act of obedience.
"My Superior [Father Garnet] had lately come to live four or five miles from London. 5 I had gone to see him, and had been with him a day or two, when, having business in London, I wrote to those who kept the house to expect me on such a night, and bring in certain friends whom I wanted to see. The traitor, who was now often seen in the house, which belonged ostensibly to his master, learnt the time, and got the priest-hunters to come there at midnight with their band.
"Just before mounting my horse to depart, I went to take leave of my Superior. He would have me stay that night. I told him my business, and my wish to keep my appointment with my friends; but the blessed Father would not allow it, though as he said afterwards, he knew no reason, nor was it his wont to act in this manner. Without doubt he was guided by the Holy Ghost; for early next morning we heard that some Papists had been seized in that house, and the story ran that a priest was among them. The fact was that my servant, Richard Fulwood, was caught trying to hide himself in a dark place, there being as yet no regular hiding-places, though I meant to make some. As he cut a good figure, and neither the traitor nor any one else that knew him was there, he was taken for a priest. Three Catholics and one schismatic were seized and thrown into prison. The latter was a Catholic at heart, but did not refuse to go to the heretics' churches. As he was a trusty man, I employed him as keeper of the house, to manage any business in the neighbourhood. At their examination they all showed themselves steadfast and true, and answered nothing that could give the enemy any inkling that the house belonged to me instead of to my host. It was well that it was so; for things would have gone harder with the latter had it been otherwise. The magistrates sent him a special summons, in the hope that my arrest would enable them to make out a stronger case against him. As soon as he arrived in London, he went straight to the house, never dreaming what had happened there, in order to treat with me as to the reason of his summons, and how he was to answer it. So he came and knocked at the door. It was opened to him at once; but, poor sheep of Christ, he fell into the clutches of wolves, instead of the arms of his shepherd and friend. For the house had been broken into the night before, and there were some ministers of Satan still lingering there, to watch for any Catholics that might come, before all got scent of the danger. Out came these men then; the good gentleman found himself ensnared, and was led prisoner to the magistrates. ' How many priests do you keep in your house ?' ' Who are they ?' were the questions poured in upon him on all sides. He made answer that harbouring priests was a thing punishable with death, and so he had taken good care not to run such a risk. On their still pressing him, he said that he was ready to meet any accusation that could be brought against him on this head. However they would not hint anything about me, because though disappointed this time, they still hoped to catch me later, as the traitor was as yet unsuspected.
"My host had on hand a translation of a work of Father Jerome Platus, ' On the happiness of a Religious State' He had just finished the second part, and brought it with him to see me about it. When he was seized, these papers were seized too. Being asked what they were, he said it was a book of devotion. Now the heretics are wont to pry into any writings that they find, because they are afraid of anything being published against themselves and their false doctrine. Not having time to go on with the whole case, they were very earnest abou-t his being answerable for those papers. He said that there was nothing contained in them against the State or against sound teaching; and offered on the spot to prove the righteousness and holiness of everything that was there set down. In so doing, as he told me afterwards, he felt great comfort at having to answer for so good a book. He was thrown into prison, and kept in such close confinement that only one of his servants was allowed to go near him, and that was the traitor. Knowing that his master had no inkling of his bad faith, they hoped by his means to find out my retreat and seize my person much sooner than they could otherwise have done."
The following is William Wiseman's examination, 6 in which will be found the defence of Father Jerome Platus, which Father Gerard so accurately remembered and embodied in his narrative.
" The examination of William Wiseman of Wimbish in the county of Essex, gentleman, taken the 19th day of March in the six and thirtieth year of her Majesty's reign [1593/4].
" He saith that he had the murrey [mulberry coloured} beads (showed unto him upon his examination) of a gentlewoman and friend of his, and that he will not tell her name for that she is a Catholic, as he termeth her; and saith that he hath had these beads about a year and a quarter, and received the same at Wimbish aforesaid at his house there called Broadoaks; and saith now, upon better advertisement, that his sister Bridget Wiseman, now being beyond sea, did get the same beads and string the same for him this examinate, but where she had them he cannot tell. Being demanded whether he know a book (showed to him upon his examination) called Breviarium Romanum, he denieth that he knoweth the book or whose it is. He supposeth that a letter showed unto him upon his examination, beginning Dear son, this day, &c. &c, and ending with Commendations to all my friends is his mother's own handwriting, and sent unto him this examinate to his house aforesaid to-morrow shall be a seven-night.
"And saith that a friend of his hath hired the house in Golding-lane where he was apprehended, but denieth to tell his name for charity' sake; but saith that his friend hired it of Mr. Tute dwelling in the next house unto it, and saith that he hired it this last term. And saith that his friend did hire the said house for him this examinate and his mother, and saith that he was never at the house before but came to the said house by such description as his friend made to him of it, and that this examinate came thither on Saturday at night to lie there, and his man (whose name he will not tell 7 is Richard Fulwood) provided him by his commandment and appointment a bed and furniture belonging to the same in the same house, and knoweth not whether the bedding was in the house before he this examinate hired the said house or no, but thinketh some of the bedding that now is there was in the house before.
" He saith that the said Richard Fulwood hath served him about Shrovetide last was two years. 8
"And saith that since he this examinate was confined, he hath used John Fulwood, brother to the said Richard Fulwood, in travelling about his business.
"And saith that his servant Thomas Barker, after he was apprehended and under arrest, was sent by this examinate to his inn, to return to him again, as he saith; and further saith that before the said Thomas Barker went out of the constable's custody, he this examinate laid two angels 9 in the headborough's hand and to take them to his own use if his servant did not return again. He thinketh he is gone to this examinate's house, and denieth that he gave any message to the said Thomas Barker, save only that he should signify to his housekeeper where he this examinate was; and saith that Thomas Barker hath dwelt with him above a year past, and was commended to him by a friend of his being a Catholic, and refuseth to tell his name; and saith that both his said servants have been recusants ever since they dwelt with him.
" And confesseth that a book entitled Hieronymi Plati 10 de Societate Jesu de bono statu religionis is his own, and that he caused the same to be bought at Cawood's shop in Paul's Churchyard, and saith that the book containeth nothing but true doctrine, and that he translated it through with his own hand—which was found and yet remaineth—the book; and that his servant Richard Fulwood bought the same, and [that he] hath had it or the like by the space of these two years and more; and saith that certain of his friends [being learned erased] coming to him this examinate, he this examinate commended the said book to them to be a good book, and delivered the same book to them to be seen and read of; and saith within the said two years he this examinate bought divers of the said book, and hath sent of the same to some of the examinate's friends, as namely to the priests at Wisbech, that is to say, Father Edmonds and to no other by name but to him, but generally to the priests, which is about a year past; and that the said Father Edmonds returned thanks [in] answer to the examinate that he liked the book very well; and this book he sent and received answer by his said servant Thomas Barker, who was born in Norwich; and saith that this examinate hath read over the first and half the second of the said book unto the 12th chapter, and that he dare to take upon him to defend so much to be sound and true; and saith that this examinate was with Father Edmonds at Wisbech about Michaelmas last was twelvemonths [1591], and there saw and spake with him both privately and in company.
" W. Wiseman.
" Examined by Edw. Coke, Will. Danyell, Edw.Vaughan, R. Watson, Rye. Young."
The examinations of the other persons taken at Golding-lane are thrown into a note, as in the text they would check the progress of the narrative.
"20W. Martii, 1593. John Bolt, of the City of Exeter, of the age of thirty years or thereabout, examined the day and year abovesaid, saith as followeth :
" The said John Bolt saith he serveth not any nor hath done this half year or more, and did lastly serve Sir John Petre, and was discharged out of his service about Midsummer last past: and went then first after into Warwickshire to Mr. Verney his house to teach Mr. Bassett's children to sing and play on the virginalls : and sithence for the most part with one Mr. Morgan Robins, a gentleman that hath a lodging in Finsbury fields, where sometime he lay when the said Mr. Morgan lodged there. And being demanded what was the cause of his repair to the house in the upper end of Golding-lane, saith that the cause of his last repair thither was to fetch a pair of stockings he had left there. And the first time of his coming thither was but about the end of Hilary term last past, and sithence four or five several times he hath been there. And now at his coming to the house, [he] came from out of Essex from one Mr. Wiseman his house, called Braddocks, where he had been all that week, and came to William Wallis.
"And saith that one book bound in parchment, beginning with a piece of Scripture, viz., There is no other Name under Heaven, &c, &c, is his book and of his writing. And also one little book written, called St. Peter's Complaint is his, but of whose writing he knoweth not, but borrowed it of Mr. Wiseman. Being showed one paper book which was read to him, after he had seen the same, saith that the same little paper book which was found in his cloak-bag, containing about a dozen leaves of paper containing matter of Campion, whereof two written and the other six unwritten is his, and that he wrote the same with his own hand and copied it forth out of one other written book
he borrowed of one Harry Souche servant to Mr. Morgan, who he thinketh went away from the said Mr. Morgan about three years sithence and hath heard he is beyond the sea. And that he hath had the same book these five or six years, but did not deliver any copies thereof to anybody.
"John Bolt.
"Edw. Vaghan
Maltus Ayard
John Cornwall
Edward Caterward."
"The examination of John Bolt, late of Thorndon in the County of Essex, yeoman, taken the 21st day of March, 1593.
" He confesseth that certain leaves containing divers and many verses beginning Why do I use my paper, pen, and ink ? &c, &c, and ending thus To Jesits Name which such a man did raise ? is all of his own handwriting; and that he wrote the same about five years past in London, out of a paper which one Henry Souche, servant to Mr. Morgan, delivered him at Mr. Morgan's house in Finsbury field; and that he hath read the same sithence about five or six times.
"And saith that about the end of the last term, he resorted to the said house in Golding-lane from Mr. Wiseman's house called Braddocks, and since that time he hath resorted to the said house about five or six times; and thinketh that the said house is Mr. Wiseman's; and knoweth both his men Richard and William Wallis, who keep the said house.
"John Bolt."
"21. Martii The said Bolt being further examined upon his oath saith that he hath not been at church by the space of these two years, neither received at any time these seven years.
"Being demanded who did reconcile him from the Church of England to the Romish Church, desireth to be pardoned, for he will not answer thereto, albeit his oath taken, and also charged as a Catholic.
" Being also further demanded if the Pope or King of Spain should invade the land and bring in any foreign power to the
end to plant the Romish religion, whether then he would take part with the said Pope or King of Spain, or with her Majesty, being her Highness' natural subject born, and defend this religion here planted and established—to this he will not answer.
"John Bolt.
"Rye.YoungEdw. Vaghan." 11
This is Mr. John Bolt of whose talent for music Father Gerard has already spoken and of whom the Chronicler of St. Monica's Convent at Louvain gives so interesting an account. 2 He had lived " for two or three years at Court, being in great request for his voice and skill in music," but "having a great desire to become a Catholic, he stole away from the Court and came to live among Catholics, where after some time he was reconciled." "The Queen having heard of his departure, fell out with the Master of Music, and would have flung her pan-toufle at his head for looking no better unto him; but he lived secretly in gentlemen's houses, being welcome everywhere for his good parts." The good religious then relates how on his apprehension Topcliffe took him for a priest, " but the wicked fellow was mistaken. Notwithstanding he made him to be kept prisoner and caused also irons to be put on him," but " Our Lord took care of him and made his brother, who is now a Knight, to take his defence in hand. When the cruel Topcliffe sought to bring him torments that he might compel him to confess what he knew of priests and Catholics, then did his friends so work for him that the Lady Rich wrote in his behalf a letter, having known him in the Court; so that at length, after much ado, he got free out of danger." Notwithstanding an offer " to live in the Court at his pleasure without molestation for his conscience," he went over to St. Omers where in due time he was made priest, and going to Louvain in 1613 to be present at Sister Magdalen Throckmorton's profession, he was induced to remain at St. Monica's Convent "to maintain their music to the honour and glory of God," and there he died August 3, 1640.
It is touching to see the books he carried about with him, for the possession of which he was called in question. The first, which he had written out for himself, " beginning with a piece of Scripture," was it is needless to say that beautiful devotion known among Catholics by the name of the "Jesus Psalter." It is ascribed to one of the Bridgettine monks of Sion House, and as the lists of papers found on recusants in searches show, it was a very favourite devotion with our persecuted ancestors and helped to maintain their fervour in their trials. It is to be regretted that it should now be comparatively forgotten.
St. Peter's Complaint is Father Southwell's poem, 12 and the " matter of Campion" beginning Why do I use my paper, pen y and ink ? is Father Henry Walpole's, written by him shortly after the conversion which he attributed to the warm blood of Father Campion which fell upon him at his martyrdom.
We have still to give the examinations 13 of the servants who were taken in Golding-lane. We are glad of any information respecting the faithful Richard Fulwood, by whose means, as we shall subsequently see, Father Gerard escaped from the Tower.
"The examination of Richard Fulwood taken the 21st day of March, 1593.
" He saith that he was born at Weston in Warwickshire, and that his father Thomas Fulwood and Alice Fulwood his mother dwelt there; and knows not what his grandfather's name [was]; and that his mother's name was Allen before her marriage; and knoweth that she had a brother called Allen but knoweth not his Christian name and knoweth not whether she had any more brothers or no; but knoweth not where her brother dwelt: and knoweth not whether she had any sisters or no, neither what countrywoman she was, and saith that he hath no sisters and that he hath three brethren, William the eldest dwells with his mother, his second brother Anthony dwells also with his mother, and the third John; and knoweth not how many brethren or sisters his father had, or whether he had any or no.
" And saith that he never served Mr. Wiseman as his servant, and saith that for this year and more he hath served no man. And the last man that he served was Richard Allen, my old Lord Windsor's steward, and that he served him about half a dozen years; and before that he served Mr. Foljambe of Derbyshire, Sir James Foljambe's son, and served him twelve years; and before that served old Mrs. Foljambe of Calburgh in Derbyshire by the space of a year or thereabouts; and denieth that he was ever in Mr. Wiseman's house at Braddocks, but saith that he hath been with his (examinate's) mother this last year and was maintained by her and that which he had gotten in services, and saith that he was never at the said house in Golding-lane before Wednesday at night the last week, neither knoweth Mr. Wiseman nor his mother, nor ever was at Mr. Wiseman's house at Braddocks; and saith that he never received the communion in his lifetime; and knoweth not whether a gentleman or gentlewoman either lay in that house or dined or supped there on Wednesday or Thursday the last week.
"Saith that he came from his mother's house at his last coming to this town, but where he lay or baited by the way he knoweth not, but saith he came to the town on Wednesday was sevennight. He met with William Wallis in the street and hath been acquainted, but knoweth not where or how long, and that the said Wallis desired him (this examinate) home to the said house.
"Richard Fulwood."
"The examination of John Tarboocke taken the day and year aforesaid.
" He saith that one called Little Richard have been divers times within this last year at Mr. Wiseman's house at Braddocks, and that he hath tarried there sometime a week and sometime a night, and sometimes more and sometimes less; when he waiteth there and carrieth up meat to dinner and supper as other of his master's servants have done; and did wear such a cloak with sleeves as other of his master's men did; which cloak he yet weareth: and being now confronted with the said Little Richard, who calleth himself Richard Fulwood, afhrmeth to his face all this examinate's confession to be true. And saith that he never heard the said Little Richard called Richard Fulwood.
"Examined by us." [Not signed.]
" The examination of John Fulwood taken the day and year abovesaid.
" He saith that his father's name was Thomas Fulwood and his mother's name is Alice; and that her name before her marriage was Allen; and that she had divers brethren Thomas, William, Robert and John, and that she had three sisters but what their names were he knoweth not. And that this examinate was born in Staffordshire, at Weston where his father and mother dwelt; and saith that he hath five brethren; and denieth that he hath been at Mr. Wiseman's at Braddocks but in his father's lifetime and never since; but being confronted by the said John Tarboock, who affirmed that he saw him at Braddocks since Christmas last, confesseth the same to be true; and that he was called there Lazy John, and was not there called John Fulwood, and saith that about two months ago he was first at the said house in Golding-lane, and meeting with Richard Wallis, the tailor, he carried him to the said house in Golding-lane, but tarried not there and lay at the Ram Inn in Smithfield and from thence went to Mr. Thomas Baskervile in Norfolk and tarried there two or three days, and from thence he went to Staffordshire to his mother's house and tarried three weeks with his brother Richard Fulwood, and then they came away together but parted by the way, and this examinate to Burton the first night, and the second night to Leicester, and the third to Northampton, and from thence to St. Alban's, and so to London.
"John Fulwood."
"The examination of William Suffield the day and year abovesaid.
" He saith that he hath seen the said John Fulwood at Mr. Wiseman's house twice within this two years as he thinketh, and that Richard Fulwood was Mr. Wiseman's servant, and served him about a quarter of a year after this examinate came to Mr. Wiseman, and never heard either the said Richard or John called Richard Fulwood or John Fulwood but only Richard and John, and confesseth that he was a weaver by his occupation and used his trade in Norfolk before his coming to Mr. Wiseman's service.
" All these former examinations were taken by us "
Edw. Coke Edw. Vaughan Ryc. Topcliffe
Willm. Danyell ,Rye. Young." 14
It does not seem probable .that Richard Fulwood was a Jesuit lay-brother, as Dr. Oliver calls him. When Father Gerard describes those who served him, he carefully mentions in the other cases those who entered the Society. When Fulwood landed in Belgium with Father Gerard himself in May 1606 Father Baldwin wrote to Father Persons, "I take it he be Jesuit also," but in July when he had seen him at Brussels he simply calls him Richard Fulwood. When Father Gerard wrote in 1609 he only says of him that "he yet remains in banishment, doing good service to our mission notwithstanding." Dr. Oliver asserts that he "died at Liege in a good old age, September 18, 1641." This however is extremely doubtful, and rests on what is apparently a misprint in the Annual Letters of that year, which call the Richard Fulwood who then died at Liege "a temporal coadjutor." If he had been Father Gerard's Richard Fulwood, his life would not have been passed over without mention; and the Summaria Defunctorum and Florus Ango-Bavaricus, the latter a Liege book, both say that Richard Fulwood who died at Liege in 1641 was a scholastic in his second year of Theology.
1 Stonyhurst MSS., Father Grene's Collection. P. vol. ii. p. 550.
2 Mr. "Homulus" is Ralph Emerson, the lay-brother, of whom Father Campion wrote to the General, Homulus meus et ego, " My little man and I.' It was of the greatest consequence that no names to strike the eye should appear in letters, in case they were intercepted.
3 P.R.O., Domestic, Elizabeth, vol. ccxlviii. n. 31.
4 P.R.O., Domestic, Elizabeth, vol. ccxlviii. n. 68, I.
5 Three years later, that is in March 1597, Father Garnet was living near Uxbridge, 12 or 13 miles from London in a house called Morecroftes. He had at the same time a house in' Spitalfields. Troubles, First Series, pp 177 179- Later on he lived at White Webbs in Enfield Chase, called "Dr Hewick's house." P.R.O., Gunpowder Plot Book, n. 70.
6 P.R.O., Domestic, Elizabeth, vol. ccxlviii. n. 36.
7 In the original the words "is Richard Fulwood" are interlined, and "he will not tell" underlined or erased.
9 The angel was worth 1os.
10 In the Calendar of State Papers the name is misread prelati.
11 P.R.O., Domestic, Elizabeth, vol. ccxlviii. nn. 37, 38, 39. 2 Troubles, 1st series, p. 297.
12 The poem was published at the end of the contemporary black letter "True report of the martyrdom of Mr. Campian, written by a Catholic priest," and it appeared in the Month for January—February, 1872, p. 116. Father Christopher Grene (Collectan. N. 1, f. 3; Stonyhurst MSS.) says that of the four poems annexed to the black letter book, Father Walpole was the author of the first two, and he adds from a letter of Father Persons that if Walpole had not fled he would have lost his ears for writing them, as Valenger did.
13 P.R.O., Domestic, Elizabeth, vol. ccxlviii. n. 40.
14 P.R.O., Domestic, Elizabeth, vol. ccxlviii. n. 40.